Friday, March 27, 2009

November 2008

November was a much less interesting month than October. A few exciting things did happen though. Peyton got his first haircut. He was getting a little shaggy for a while, and Kyle had been pushing for a haircut for months. I was holding out though because the back of Peyton's hair would curl and it was too cute. Eventually though, I realized that it was time for that hair to go. Peyton did so well while the lady cut his hair (of course). He sat in the chair all by himself and was very still for her. He watched what she was doing in the mirror. He even let her use the clippers on his neck. I was one proud momma. Peyton looked so much older with his short hair.

Peyton, post-haircut
The only other thing to happen in November was Thanksgiving. Peyton and I got up early to watch the Macy's parade. He was getting really sleepy toward the end of the parade, but I made him stay awake to see Santa come. He barely made it. In the afternoon, we headed to my cousin Nadean's house for dinner, as we do every year. Here is our family before dinner.

We all got ready to sit down to eat, but there was a slight problem with the turkey -- it was undercooked. Oops. No big deal though. We were having fun just hanging out with our family. Luckily, my other cousin, Kim, had cooked a turkey at her house early that morning. They drove to her house to retrieve the other turkey, as that was quicker than waiting for the original turkey to finish cooking. Once we finally got to eat, we were all stuffed. Dinner was delicious. Somehow I managed to not wash the dishes once again. Even though I'm grown-up now, I have been able to disappear each year when it came to be time to do the dishes. Go me. Although now my secret might be out...

In between dinner and dessert, my cousin set up this train track for Peyton to play with. The train was motorized, but Peyton just wanted to grab it off the track. That was really frustrating for my little cousin Dougie who loves trains. It was killing him that Peyton didn't appreciate the train the way he does.

I played Guitar Hero for the first time. And let me tell you, I rocked at it. I was beating everyone! Love it.

Peyton provided the musical entertainment before dessert. He rocked out with the tambourine and on the drums. That boy loves to drum on anything he can get his hands on. Real drums were a treat.
During dessert, Kyle thought it would be a good idea to squirt whipped cream directly into Peyton's mouth. Needless to say, Peyton loved it. This picture is crappy, but funny anyway.

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