Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First post!

So I actually started this blog back before Peyton was born with all intentions of updating it often with pictures and notes about him. I wanted it both for myself and as a tool to keep all of the out-of-town family up-to-date with what is going on with us. However, when he first arrived I realized that I did not have time to sleep or eat, let alone write a blog, so I forgot about it. Low and behold, here I am many months later writing my first post. I read several blogs at work during the day when I have some down time. I've decided that if I have time to read, then I have time to write.

I figure that my first few blogs will focus on the past. I want to write about memories that I have so that I will always have a record of them. It'll be so nice to have a place to look back and laugh at all the funny things that Peyton did and said.

While I'm not the best writer and I may not have the most interesting things to write about, I invite you to check back often for updates! Oh, and leave me comments so that I know you're here reading about us!