Monday, March 28, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance

Peyton says the Pledge of Allegiance

Monday, March 21, 2011


For Christmas, Santa brought Peyton his very first pair of roller skates. They were one of Peyton's favorite gifts, even though I really don't think he knew what they were exactly. We were waiting for the weather to break so that he could skate outside. Finally, over the weekend, we had a gorgeous 75+ degree day, so we all went outside for some fun.

I put on Peyton's skates and helped him out at first.

He had a little spill.

But before long, he was a pro, skating all on his own!

After Peyton finished rollerskating, we all headed over to the playground. It was Hunter's very first trip there. Peyton wanted to swing first.

Then Hunter got his chance to swing with me.

Next, we moved over to the slides. Hunter took a turn going down the big slide, with Kyle's help, of course.

I don't think he knew what was happening, but seemed to enjoy the ride.

Peyton wanted a turn on the big slide too, so he climbed up.

And then went down.

Peyton wanted to go down the little slide with Hunter. With some help from Daddy, we let them slide together.

Daddy wanted to get in on the action with Hunter.

And right before we left to go back home, Peyton did a few pull-ups to work on his muscles.

Friday, March 18, 2011


This week was Spirit Week at the boys' daycare. Tuesday was Mismatch Day. Here are Peyton and Hunter in their silly outfits.

Wednesday was Wacky Hair or Hat Day. Considering that Kyle just cut Peyton's hair, we went with wacky hats. Peyton wore my Minnie Mouse hat and Hunter wore his silly Maryland hat.

Thursday was St. Patrick's Day, so the boys wore green. Peyton's shirt says, "This is my lucky shirt" and Hunter's shirt says, "I'm a McCutie."

I think Hunter should sport the mohawk more often! He seems to like it.

For dinner we had green eggs and green pancakes. We also had, as Peyton called it, "brown bacon."

Kyle and I were in a silly mood, so we decided to draw a goatee on Peyton to see how much he really does look like Kyle. This picture makes me laugh so hard every time I look at it!

I'd say they look like (very cute) twins!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dad's Birthday

My dad's birthday is on March 1, so we all went out to dinner to celebrate. We were going to go to TGI Fridays, but the wait was an hour and a half because there were eight of us. That would have put us just sitting down to eat at Hunter's bedtime, so we decided to go to the Greene Turtle instead. I'll start with some random pictures.

Hunter and Uncle Jeremy

Hunter, Uncle Jeremy, and JillPeyton and Pop-Pop

After everyone was finished eating their dinners, we sang Happy Birthday. As usual, Peyton helped blow out the candles.

Instead of a cake, my dad had goodies like chocolate eclairs and cannolis. Peyton chose to "eat" a chocolate eclair. He was quite a mess!

Finally my dad opened his birthday gifts. Peyton and Hunter gave him two whisks.

And Kyle and I got him a Starbucks gift card.

We had to leave right after gifts because Hunter was very tired and was getting pretty cranky. It was a fun dinner though.
Happy birthday, Dad!