Friday, April 10, 2009

Some Cute Things

I just wanted to document a few cute things that Peyton has done lately so that I don't forget them.

Here's the first thing: A few days ago, I was on the phone with my mom. She wanted to talk to Peyton, so I held the phone up for him to say hi. Kyle was standing there with us. My mom and Peyton were chatting away and my mom told Peyton, "I love you." Peyton associates those words with a kiss. So, he leaned over to me and gave me a kiss. Then he leaned over to Kyle and gave him a kiss too. Then he kissed the phone, like he was giving Grandmom a kiss too! It was so funny.

Another thing that Peyton has started to do is call Kyle a "piggy" when he burps. He picked this up from us because we always call him a piggy when he burps. It's pretty funny each night at dinner when Kyle burps. I'd never thought I'd see myself saying those words.

Peyton has definitely become Mr. Monkey-See-Monkey-Do. He copies everything that Kyle and I do. He makes me laugh so hard every day.

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