Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

On Easter Sunday, Peyton woke up around 8:30. Kyle and I both got up with him so that we could go downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny left. Peyton got a basket full of candy, Elmo Live, sand toys, foam bathtub letters and numbers, an Elmo/Easter book, some small beanbag balls, an Elmo figurine, and a bunny in a car. Wow.

Peyton liked all of his loot, especially the egg that looked like a football. He didn't even care about the candy inside, just the awesome-ness of a football egg! He's holding it in the picture below.

Peyton really liked his Elmo too. Here he is giving Elmo a kiss...

And a hug...
And just having a conversation with Elmo.

Next, it was time for the Easter egg hunt. The Easter Bunny left 12 eggs hidden in our family room. Peyton was pretty good at finding them. The Easter Bunny didn't leave anything in the eggs, because he figured that Peyton wouldn't know any better and wouldn't care. Well, when he found the first egg, he popped it open. Kyle said, "It's empty." From then on, whenever Peyton found an egg, he would open it up and say "empty" like he was so dissappoited. I don't really think he knew what he was saying though, but it was still pretty funny.

Peyton and all of his eggs.

After the egg hunt was finished, Kyle and I took showers and got Peyton dressed so that we could go to church. Here's Peyton in his Easter best. (Peyton now says "Cheese" when we're about to take his picture. As you can see in many of the pictures, he has that smile where you can tell he just said "cheese.")

We went to St. Bernadette's church, which is only about 5 minutes from our house. We tried to go to church there on Christmas Eve, but it was just too packed, so this is the first time we actually stayed for mass there. The church was a little strange in that there were no kneelers and the Communion wasn't hosts, but little cubes of real bread. But, I'd say that is an improvement! Peyton did pretty well in church. We got there about a half hour early because we didn't want a repeat of Christmas Eve. So Peyton had to sit still for an hour and a half. That was kind of the limit of his stillness. He was very friendly all through mass, saying hi and waving to whoever would look at him. He especially liked the sign of peace because everyone shook his hand. We sat in front of the 'cry room' just in case we needed to make a speedy exit into it. In the room, there was a mural of Noah's Ark. All throughout mass, Peyton needed to point to and yell out say the names of the animals in the painting. He wasn't too loud though, so it was cute. We had to bust out the cheerios to keep Peyton occupied about halfway through the service, but overall, I was proud of how well he behaved.

After church, it was time for lunch and Peyton's nap. I also started cooking the ham and warming up the sauce and meatballs for dinner. Dinner was at 4:30 and people began arriving around 3:30. Jeremy and Jill got there first. Then, Kate, Dave, Noah, and Dave's parents came. My parents were next. Here is Peyton and one of his favorite people, Pop-Pop.

And although Peyton just will not say her name, he loves Grandmom Gram Nana this woman a lot too.
Peyton and Uncle Jer and Jill.

It looked a lot like Christmas in our house, even though it was Easter. Peyton got a baseball bunny and his very first baseball mitt from Uncle Jer.

From Grandmom and Pop-Pop, Peyton got some books, candy, lots of summer outfits, and a mini patio set, complete with chairs, table, and umbrella.

Kim, Bo, and Dougie hooked Peyton up with a bathing suit, t-shirt, stuffed bunny, lots of Teddy Grahams, Goldfish, and animal crackers.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of Peyton with Nadean or Aunt Bev. However, Nadean, Vester, and Austin gave Peyton a basket with some candy, a fun book, puzzles, and some bathtub crayons. Aunt Bev gave him some chocolate dipped pretzel rods (which he is still too little to eat, so I'm helping him out with those!) and some money. That kid made out pretty well. Kyle and I also received some gifts from everyone.

I think that everyone was in agreement that dinner was delicious. We had ham, ravioli, meatballs, sausage, broccoli salad, cracker corn, mashed potatoes, bread and rolls. Thanks to mom and dad for the sauce, meatballs, sausage, and cracker corn. And thanks to Nadean for the bread! For dessert, there was death by chocolate, cheesecake, eclair cake, funfetti cake, and cupcakes. Whew. Thanks to Kim for the two cakes! And thanks to my mom for helping me with the cooking there at the end when everything was a little crazy, to Jeremy and Jill for helping put stuff on the table, and Kyle for keeping Peyton out of the way! (I feel like I just won some award, and this is my "Thank you" speech).

After dinner, Kyle conviently snuck out of the kitchen when it was time to wash the dishes. I washed and Kim and Nadean dried. Thanks girls! Kyle finally reappeared and helped us put away the clean dishes. I'm on strike for the rest of the week when it comes time to do the dishes!!

While we were cleaning up and before dessert, most of the boys headed downstairs to play ping-pong. Austin and Dougie also played with Peyton.

Here is Noah. Isn't he too cute?!
The Borowski's.
And finally, us.

It was definitely a lot of work hosting dinner for 18, but everything turned out well and I'm proud that Kyle and I were able to pull it off. I guess we really are big kids now!

Hope everyone had a great Easter as well!

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