Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 2009

March was a pretty busy month for us as well. There were a good handful of days where we were reminded that spring is actually here. But most of the days were still on the chilly side. Here is a picture of Peyton riding his horse that Kim and Bo got him for Christmas. He loves jumping around on it. It is a good way for him to release energy!

March 1 was my dad's birthday. We celebrated with dinner at Macaroni Grill. Jill and Aunt Bev came along too. You could definitely see the hard economic times that night, because even though it was a Sunday evening at dinner time, the place was empty. Our waiter let us linger at our table for a long time and never got pushy about trying to get us out of there. Peyton just loves his Pop-Pop to pieces. Here he is showing my dad his nose. (Peyton knows all of his body parts. What a smart kid!)

My dad got a ginormous piece of chocolate cake since it was his birthday. Most of us also had the same thing, just in a smaller portion size. It was really good, I might add.

The weekend of the 7th and 8th was so gorgeous. It was in the 70s and very sunny. We took full advantage of the nice weather to take Peyton outside to play. He got to ride his lawnmower that Grandmom and Pop-Pop got him for his birthday. He finally can push the button to make it go by himself, however he still doesn't get the concept that he has to steer. Luckily, there are hardly any cars on our street because everyone parks in their garage/driveway, so he didn't have much that he could run into. Kyle or I would jump in and turn the wheel when he was about to run into the curb.

We also went to our community playground which is practically right across the street from our house. Peyton could climb up the stairs to get to the slides on his own, so Kyle and I could kind of relax. Peyton loves the slide. He would climb up the stairs, slide down, run back around and start over. He was making me tired just watching! While we were at the playground, we met some of our little neighbors. They were playing with the giant ball that is in one of the pictures below. Of course everyone knows how much Peyton loves balls, so he fell in love. The boys were so nice and let Peyton play with them. They were 11 and 9 years old, I think. They even ran back to their house to get a smaller ball to play catch with Peyton. They were super cool. Also, turns out one of them is a "famous" actor. He is in a commercial on tv and was also in a tv show on the Discovery channel. He gave us a DVD of the show so that we could watch it. Pretty impressive.

Kate and Dave came over to visit the next weekend. We just hung out and chatted. And of course, Peyton showed them his mad basketball skills. March 17th was St. Patrick's Day. Here is Peyton in his green gear. He made the clover hat at day care.

In the middle of the month, Peyton got sick again. I took him to the doctor because he had a fever and I wanted to make sure that he didn't have an ear infection or something. Well, the doctor finally made the decision to put Peyton on inhaled steroids to better control his "asthma." He has to do them twice a day, every day, whether he is sick or not. As of right now, he will have to do this forever. But hopefully he will outgrow it by the time he gets to Kindergarten. (This is what the pediatrician told me). It sucks, but I can definitely tell that they help him, so it is worth it.

Kyle and I took Peyton to the aquarium on the 20th. It is only $8 to get in on Friday's after 5 pm. And you all know how cheap frugal I am. Peyton had a good time checking out the fish. He would point and say "Fish Fish" over and over. I think he enjoyed it much more this year than last year. Well, there was one moment that he definitely did not enjoy. We were looking at the sharks, which he was completely fine with... until one of them turned and swam directly toward us. I think the shark even bumped his face on the glass right in front of where we were standing. Peyton let out a shriek and jumped into Kyle's arms. He seemed pretty frightened. I don't blame him. All of those pointy teeth are quite scary! We didn't get through the whole aquarium because it was getting late and Peyton needed to get to bed.

The next day, Kyle bought a new car. He got a Mazda CX-9. It is pretty nice and has a bunch of cool features. Admittedly, I was against the purchase of a new car, as his other car was still fairly new, but in the end I'm happy because now Kyle's car has a car seat too. That means no more switching cars when Kyle needs to take Peyton to daycare. Woohoo!

On the 28th, we took Peyton to the circus. My dad came along too. We had 2nd row seats, which was pretty exciting! One hour before the show, everyone is invited to come down onto the floor to get up close and personal with many of the performers and even some of the animals. There were so many people, it was really hot, and we had to hold Peyton the entire time so that we wouldn't lose him. Needless to say, it was not quite as enjoyable as I thought it would be.

My dad and Peyton before the show.

Some of the clowns that we saw while we were walking around on the floor. I love Peyton's face in the second picture. He is looking at that clown like "What in the heck are you supposed to be?" He wasn't scared of them at all though.

I know this picture is crappy, but I wanted to include it because Peyton was absolutely amazed by this guy on stilts. He wouldn't take his eyes off of him.

The show was really good. My camera ran out of batteries about 5 minutes into the show, so I didn't get many pictures. Boo. I was so mad because I didn't even think about bringing an extra set. When will I learn? Anyway, Peyton enjoyed it when there were a lot of things going on. He also liked whenever there were animals performing. He especially loved the horses and elephants. The show was over 2 hours long, which was about 30 minutes too long for Peyton. He was done sitting still by that point. But we still had a good time.

There, I am finally caught up with Peyton's life so far. Now I can post in real time! Yay! I am going to be in Miami for work from April 1 - 5, so I'll post about that when I get back. We should have a new nephew by the time I get back too. Can't wait!!

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