Saturday, April 25, 2009


I just wanted to share some pictures that we've taken recently.

This picture says it all...
Enjoying the play house from the Shultz's

Peyton was putting this Easter egg everywhere:
On his ears

On his toes

Another shirt that describes Peyton perfectly

Peyton and I playing Guitar Hero together

Playing under the table this morning

In other news, Peyton now consistently knows the colors red, blue, yellow, orange, and green. He also knows the shapes circles, squares, hearts, and stars. Peyton has started using the phrase "Oh boy!" He must have picked that one up from daycare because we never say that around here. Peyton also has recently learned that a rooster says "cock-a-doodle-doo" and that is just hilarous to hear him say.

That's all for now. The weather is so beautiful -- I gotta go!

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