Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Noah's Baptism

Sunday was our nephew Noah's baptism. We headed down to Virginia for the ceremony and lunch afterwards. Here is a picture of Noah at his house before the baptism. Dave's mom made Noah's outfit out of Kate's wedding dress scraps. It looked great!

How cute is he?!
The baptism was a little strange, because there were 11 kids being baptised at the same time. The ceremony started out with all of the families sitting in their own pews. The parents declared that they wanted their children baptised and the parents and godparents (Kyle and I) made the sign of the cross on the children's heads. Then there was a reading. Next, the priest called the children, three at a time to the baptismal fountain. Noah got to go first since he was first alphabetically. He did a great job and didn't cry at all.

After all of the children were baptised, the priest gave each family a lit candle. He talked a little more and then it was over. It was surprisingly quick for there being 11 kids.

There were lots of pictures taken after the baptism. Here's us with Noah, Kate, and Dave.

Our sweet Godchild
Kyle's family
And here's one of our family

Everyone headed to a restaurant called Clyde's after church. Peyton was a little cranky because he didn't get to take a nap, but he did ok. Everyone just chatted and I finally got to hold Noah. It was good to see Kyle's parents and grandparents, since we don't get to see them much. We were invited to Kate and Dave's house after the restaurant, but it was getting late and Peyton was tired, so we just headed home.

We had a very fun weekend with Ryan, Becky, and the girls. And once again, we're honored to be Noah's godparents. And Peyton definitely loves his godbrother (inside joke).

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