Friday, June 19, 2009


This story is so funny (at least to Kyle and I) that I had to write it down so that I wouldn't forget it.

First, a little back story. We have a candy dish full of M&Ms sitting on our coffee table in the family room. Sometimes Peyton will get a cheesy grin on his face and go over to them and ask to eat some. We always tell him, "One." Then we ask him what color he wants. He eats his M&M and is a happy kid.

When my parents were in Las Vegas last year, they bought Peyton an Elmo CD. I put the CD in my car, and we listened to it a few times. Eventually Peyton came to love that CD, and now he asks to listen to it every time we are in the car.

Well, last night we were on our way to dinner in Kyle's car when Peyton asked, "Elmo? Elmo?" Kyle said, "Daddy doesn't have Elmo in his car; he has Eminem." Peyton replied, "One. Purple." It was so hilarious. Kids say the funniest things.

1 comment:

Becky and the girls. said...

That is pretty darn funny!