Wednesday, May 25, 2011


May 12 was the big day to go skydiving! Kyle and I dropped the boys off at daycare and then hit the road. We jumped at Skydive Delmarva, which is located about an hour over the Bay Bridge in Delaware.
We arrived around 10:00 and it was the most beautiful day to jump. It was perfectly clear, without a cloud in the sky. Once we checked in, we had to fill out a multi-page booklet with our personal information and sign lots of waivers before we could jump. While we were completing our paperwork, a load of skydivers took off in the plane. We got to watch them all jump. This is obviously not me, but I'm sure I looked just like this.
After all of the first plane-full of skydivers landed, we were called into a warehouse to prepare for our jump. Kyle and I jumped tandem, which means that we each had an instructor attached to our backs. I jumped with a guy named Pat, who was really nice. I was quite nervous as it got closer and closer to the jump, but he calmed me down. Kyle and I got into our jumpsuits and harnesses and were given goggles and helmets. Then Pat and I went over how the jump was going to go. We practiced the position that you need to be in on the floor of the warehouse. He explained exactly what we do on the plane and how we would jump. We went over this several times before we even boarded the plane.

Eventually, it was time for us to board the plane. There are two benches in the plane, one on the left and one on the right. Kyle and I were sitting next to each other. We sit facing the back of the plane, straddling the bench. Our instructors sat behind us. Once we were in the plane, they hooked themselves to us. Everyone else on the plane was jumping alone. It took about 20 minutes to reach 12,000 feet, which is the altitude from which we jumped. While we were flying, Pat went over the game plan a few more times. Finally, we reached altitude and it was time to go. I kissed Kyle "goodbye" and off everyone went. I think about 10 people were on the plane total. Kyle went right before me and I was the last one off the plane.

To get to the door, we slid down the bench. Once we reached the end of the bench, we fell right onto our knees. Together, the instructor and I turned 180 degrees so that we were facing the front of the plane. That is the thing that scared me the most -- I was terrified that we were going to fall out of the door (even though, yes, I know that's what we'd be doing in just a few seconds). Once we were oriented properly, Pat grabbed my shoulders and rocked me to "Ready, Set, Go" and we fell out of the plane! The free fall was absolutely amazing! It lasted about a minute, I'd estimate. I was being videoed and photographed by another employee. He highfived me and had me do thumbs-up a few times during the free fall. Pat spun us around 360 degrees so that I could see everything. Then he pulled the ripcord and the parachute opened. It jerked us upward (or felt that way at least). Our glide down to earth took about four minutes, I think.

Once the parachute was pulled, Pat and I could talk again because it was quiet. He let me steer the parachute for a minute, and showed me some river and where the Chesapeake Bay was. He also showed me the airport and the tiny little circle where we'd be landing. Then, he explained to me how we were going to land. He told me that I had to pull my legs up so that his feet touched the ground first, or else we'd tumble on the ground. Well, once we reached the ground, I didn't get my feet up in time and I fell on the ground on my stomach with Pat on my back. I couldn't stop laughing. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was funny. Pat unhooked us, and we headed back to the warehouse.

Kyle got to actually jump from the plane off of his feet. He also got to pull the ripcord himself and steer the parachute, since he was a seasoned veteran (he's jumped once before).

Skydiving was great! I will absolutely do it again.

My mom picked Peyton and Hunter up from daycare for us, so we had the afternoon free. We stopped and got lunch on the way home. Then we stopped at the Queenstown Outlets and did some shopping. It was a super fun day, for sure!

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