Friday, July 30, 2010


I am a little behind on the posting. We've had a bunch of visitors over the past two weekends. Two weeks ago, we had a very busy Sunday. First Kate, Dave, and Noah came to visit us and meet Hunter. Peyton was very excited to play with Noah. I didn't get any pictures of the two of them together though. Here is a picture of Noah playing with this cowboy hat. He loved to play with it but would not let anyone put it on his head. So cute.

Kate and Dave brought Peyton some presents so that he could feel special. He got this book called "You're All My Favorites." It's about a family of bears with three cubs. The parent bears explain that each of the bears is their favorite for a different reason. Peyton loves the book, so we read it all of the time.

Peyton also got this t-shirt that says "Big Brother." Hunter got a matching onesie that says "Little Brother." I haven't been able to find matching shirts for them, so I'm super excited to dress them in their matching clothes and take some pictures. They also brought Hunter another onesie and an Elmo teething rattle.

Here's Aunt Kate with Hunter.

Kate tried to introduce Noah to Hunter. Noah could not have cared less about Hunter. Noah pretty much ignored him and played with Peyton instead. He wasn't jealous of Kate holding Hunter though, so that was good.

Kate, Dave, and Noah hung out for a while and Kyle grilled hamburgers and hot dogs out on the grill for lunch. They left soon after lunch so that Peyton could take his nap.
When Peyton woke up from his nap, Kim, Bo, and Dougie came to visit and meet Hunter. They also brought Peyton some gifts. He got a Mickey Mouse t-shirt...

... and a new baseball glove.

Hunter got some gifts too. He scored some of those cute jean diapers...

... and a sleeper, an outfit (both Mickey Mouse), and a rattle. Kyle really did like the gifts even if he looks grumpy, haha.

Here is Kim, Bo, and Dougie with Hunter.
And here's Dougie.

They all took turns holding Hunter and playing with Peyton. There was even some ping-pong playing. Peyton loves playing with Dougie.

The next weekend, Aunt Bev, Nadean, Vester, and Austin came to visit the boys. Again, Peyton scored some gifts. From Aunt Bev, he got two books - a 'search and find' and a 'draw and learn' book.

From Nadean and crew, Peyton got an outfit, a puzzle, and a photo album for him to put some pictures that he took with his camera in. I thought that was a super cute idea.

Aunt Bev held Hunter first. He was pretty chill and didn't cry much.

Hunter got some gifts too. From Nadean, Vester, and Austin, he got a super cozy fleece blanket and these two cute sleepers.

And from Aunt Bev, he got some long-sleeved shirts and pants for the winter.

Nadean held Hunter next.

And Austin held him last.

While everyone took turns holding Hunter, the rest of us played with Peyton. We played lots of catch with a football and regular balls. It was a fun day. Thanks to everyone that has visited us and gave gifts to the boys. We appreciate it!

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