Friday, July 16, 2010

Hunter's First Days

The nurses brought Hunter back to our room around 6:00 am Monday morning. Most of the day was spent just sitting around the room, with periodic checks of me and Hunter by the nurses. Kyle and I were pretty bored, but Hunter was quite content sleeping in his little crib.

My mom picked Peyton up from daycare and then she and my dad brought Peyton up to visit us again. Peyton came with lots of gifts - two onesies for Hunter and a teddy bear that says "No. 1 Mom" for me. I love this picture of us (minus the hospital gown!)

We all just hung out and chatted. Peyton wanted to hold Hunter again, so I helped him do that. He loves Hunter so much and is so proud of him. That smile never left Peyton's face!

Peyton brought his new camera to the hospital. He took lots of pictures of everyone. I would say maybe 1 out of 4 pictures actually captured their intended target. There were several pictures of the wall, feet, parts of shoulders, and other things like that. Peyton was quite the photographer though. He would tell Kyle, my parents, and I where we should stand, and then he'd say, "Say cheese everybody!" and take a picture. This went on for about a half-hour. I will upload his pictures and post some of them.

Here's another picture of Hunter chilling. He's been a pretty relaxed baby so far (knock on wood!) How about that double chin? Hehe.

My parents and Peyton left around dinner time. Kyle and I ate some crappy hospital food and then sat around watching tv. My doctor came in to check on me and to circumcise Hunter around 8:30 that evening. Even though we weren't supposed to get discharged until sometime on Tuesday, she said that we could leave that night if we wanted to. And of course we wanted to! She said that we'd just have to wait about 30 minutes after Hunter was circumcised and then we'd be free to go. So while she worked on Hunter, we packed up all of our stuff and I got dressed. About an hour later, my nurse came in and said that we couldn't leave after all. My doctor forgot that Hunter needed to be observed for at least 12 more hours because he was at risk at developing an infection (thanks to me being infected myself). Needless to say, I was pretty aggravated! I changed back into the stupid hospital gown and we settled in to get some sleep.

On Tuesday morning, the nurses took Hunter to be checked out by the pediatrician. When they brought him back, they told us that we wouldn't be leaving any time soon because his belly was making too many noises, he was bloated and they wanted to watch him. They said it sounded like he had a ton of gas, so we'd at least need to wait until he pooped to see if that helped his tummy out. So, I cheered Hunter on and begged him to poop so that we could go home. I don't think I've ever wanted to see some poop more than that day!
Finally, around lunch time we got what we were waiting for. The nurse took Hunter to be checked out by the pediatrician again and she said that he was better and that we could leave. So I got dressed (again!) and we got Hunter dressed too.

Ready to go!

Hunter was pretty content in the car seat. I think he was ready to leave the hospital too.

We were discharged around 1:30 Tuesday afternoon. We arrived home to this sign and balloons.

We hung out at home for a little bit and then we went to pick Peyton up from daycare. Everyone at the daycare center was very excited to see Hunter. When we went into Peyton's classroom, all of the kids ran right over to check him out. Peyton showed him to everyone and kept calling him "my Hunter." He even turned to one of his friends and said, "Do you like my Hunter?" So cute! He is such a good big brother.

Later that evening, Jeremy and Jill came to visit.

Brothers! We think that Peyton looks gargantuan compared to Hunter.

Me and my boys! I love the cuddles!

It was a good first few days. Everything has been going smoothly so far.

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