Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hunter's Birth Day

As everyone knows, I was supposed to be induced on Sunday. However, Saturday afternoon while we were eating lunch, the phone rang. It was my doctor. She was wondering if I could/would like to come in later that same evening to be induced instead. I said that would be fine, even though I knew that Hunter would then probably be born on the 11th, Kyle's birthday. This is the one thing that I did not want! I just thought that Hunter should get his own birthday. But, at the same time, I wanted to meet him so much that I didn't really even care!

My doctor wanted me to arrive at the hospital around 5:00, so my parents came over around 3:30 so that we could say goodbye to Peyton and get a little dinner before getting to the hospital. I knew I wasn't going to be able to eat for a while. This is the last picture of me pregnant!

We went out for a super fancy meal at Burger King on the way to the hospital. We got to the hospital just before 5:00 and started the check-in process. A trainee registered me, so it took a little longer than it should have. I got back to my room around 6:00 and changed into the super sexy hospital gown. I was hooked up to all of the monitors and the IV was started. Then the doctor came in around 6:20 to start me on Cervidil (aka "the gel"). The plan was to begin with that and then add Pitocin later in the early morning. Labor was pretty uneventful at that point, so Kyle and I just sat around, watched tv, and played on the internet. Around 11:00 pm, I finally felt a contraction, but it wasn't painful yet and I only felt the contractions sporadically. So we just tried to get some sleep, as we knew the next day would be exhausting.

Around 4:30 am, the Pitocin was started. I was able to sleep though for a few more hours. My doctor came in at 10:00 and broke my water, which really helped get the contractions going. They got pretty intense and I finally asked for some pain relief. We started off with Stadol, which I also had with Peyton, around 12:30. I passed out immediately and Kyle snuck off to get some lunch. Eventually, the sleep was fitful because I could still feel the contractions. I was trying to wait to get the epidural because I hadn't been checked and didn't want to stall the labor if I wasn't dilating. But around 2:00 I gave in and got the epidural. I was 3-4 cm at the time. I was in and out during the epidural procedure, but the anesthesiologist was very nice and patient with me (from what I can remember). After the epidural was placed, I immediately felt better!

A few hours later I was feeling lots of pressure, so I knew it was getting close to the time to push. The nurse checked me and I was at 10 cm. My doctor was not at the hospital, so they gave her a call at 4:45 and told her to get there ASAP. My nurse kept telling me to hang on for a little while longer. I thought she was crazy. My doctor arrived around 5:00 and told me to hold on for a few more minutes while she changed into her scrubs. At this point, I felt like I was about to explode, so my nurse said I could push while we were waiting on the doctor. I pushed to relieve a little of the pressure, but it wasn't anything intense until the doctor came back. I only had to push a few times (with me saying, "I can't do it! I can't..." in between each one.)

Hunter Joseph Moreau was born at 5:25 pm on Sunday, July 11, 2010. Kyle was super excited that he got his wish of Hunter being born on his birthday. Hunter was a very perfect 8 lb 2 oz and was 21 inches long. They placed him on my chest immediately, which was so nice. I got a few minutes with him, then the nurses took him to clean him up and check him out.

This picture is entitled "LOVE."

And this one is "LOVE, Part 2."

Kyle and I just couldn't have been happier. Once things settled down a little bit, Kyle started to make phone calls announcing our news and I fed Hunter.

My parents brought Peyton up around 6:30. Peyton came in to meet Hunter first. He could not wait to see him. He was so giddy. Peyton talked to Hunter and repeatedly said, "Aww, he's so cute!"

My three boys!

After Peyton had some alone time with us and Hunter, we let my parents come in to meet Hunter.

Kyle and I got Peyton a special Big Brother gift. He got one of those Kid Tough digital cameras, which he totally loves (but more about that in another post...) We just wanted Peyton to remember that he is special too.

Peyton helped Kyle feed Hunter a bottle. He really is the best big brother. Each time Hunter would cry, Peyton would say, "What's wrong Buddy?" and try to soothe him.

Peyton got bored after about an hour, so everyone left the hospital. Hunter got his first bath later in the evening. He did not enjoy it at all! He was just cold, I think.

We finally got moved over to the postpartum room around 9:30 pm. Hunter was having a tough time maintaining his temperature that first night, so he spent most of the night in the nursery. This might sound horrible, but that was fine with us, so that we could get a little more rest than if he was in the room with us all night.
More to come, so stay tuned...

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