Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kyle's Birthday

Even though Kyle's birthday has been taken over by someone much cuter, he still got lots of presents. This year was Kyle's 30th birthday! Before I found out that I was pregnant and due two days after his birthday, I had grand plans to throw Kyle a very spectacular surprise birthday party to celebrate him becoming OLD! Instead, he got the best gift ever - Hunter!

We finally got around to giving Kyle his gifts on the 13th, which was the day that we got home from the hospital. Peyton helped Kyle open everything. Peyton and Hunter got Kyle and iPod nano and I got him the auxiliary cable so that he can play the iPod in his car.

My parents got Kyle an iTunes gift card, a shirt, and some amaretto balls (pictured below).

Kyle also received an iTunes gift card from Jeremy and Jill, Chipotle gift cards from Ryan's family and Kate's family, and some other restaurant gift cards from my cousins. He sure cleaned up for someone who doesn't have a birthday anymore (hehe).

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