Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today, at 36 weeks and 1 day, I went for an ultrasound. My doctor wanted to check on Hunter's size. I had an ultrasound around the same time when I was pregnant with Peyton for the same reason. At the ultrasound for Peyton, they told me to expect a baby that was around 9 pounds. Well, we all know how that turned out... In order to guess the size of the baby, they measure the size of the baby's stomach, the circumference of its head, and the length of one of the leg bones. Then these numbers are plugged into some formula and the baby's current size can be estimated. Yesterday, Hunter was measuring 6 pounds 14 ounces, which is exactly what Peyton weighed when he was born at 41 weeks. I just read the other day that at this point, the baby is gaining about an ounce per day. I have 27 days left to go, so that would make him 8 pounds 9 ounces if he went to exactly 40 weeks. Ahhh! But neither Kyle or I really believe this stuff seeing how they were so wrong about Peyton's size. We'll just have to wait until Hunter is born.

The pictures weren't that great, but here is Hunter's profile. I still think he's cute though!

And here is Hunter giving us a thumbs up. I hope that doesn't mean that he is super comfortable and ok with hanging out in there for 4 more weeks. I want him out! I can't wait to hold him!

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