Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had quite a busy weekend. On Saturday we headed up to Baltimore for Jill's graduation party. It was at her mom's house, and it was the first time that we've met anyone from her family. Everyone was very nice and welcoming. Everyone also knew Peyton before he was even introduced! We left our house when Peyton woke up from his nap and got to the party around 4:00.

Here is the graduate and Jeremy.

Jill's mom had a nice in ground pool. You know Peyton just could not wait to get in and swim. He begged Kyle to get in with him until Kyle finally did. I would have been in that pool in a minute if I wasn't so ginourmous, since it was so hot that day. Peyton jumped right in.

Then he relaxed on a float....

... And worked on his swimming skills...

... And played with an inflatable car.

We ate a little food, but then left the party because it was just too hot and I was dying. Thanks for inviting us though, Jill!
On Sunday we went down to Virginia to see Kate, Dave, and Noah. Peyton and I haven't seen them since Noah's birthday party in April. Kyle saw them in May when they went to Michigan together. Anyway, it was super hot again. In fact, on the drive down, Kyle's car told us that it was 104 degrees! I don't know if I really believe that, but it was hot.

Peyton did a fashion show for us during the drive. Here's Mr. Cool in his sunglasses. He knows he looks adorable in them.

And for his next outfit, Peyton wore Daddy's Michigan State hat. Still cute.

We spent most of the ride with Peyton figuring out the first letter of about a million different words, based on their sounds. He's getting really good at that. He should be reading by 3. Ha. At Kate's we just hung out, the boys played with toys, and then we ate dinner. Dave grilled some yummy hamburgers, and there was also pasta salad and corn on the cob. Peyton LOVES corn on the cob, as you can see from the following picture.

I had good intentions to take pictures, but I ended up sucking at that. Kate pointed out that this was the last time they'd see us as a family of three. Ahh! As excited as I am for Hunter to be here, I don't think it's really quite hit me yet. I'm nervous about having two kids! But I'm sure it's much easier going from one child to two than from no kids to one. Right?

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