Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Kyle, in honor of your 29th birthday, here are 29 things I love about you. I love:

  1. The way you love me and make me feel special.
  2. How wonderful of a father you are to Peyton.
  3. That you get me ice cream after Peyton goes to bed.
  4. How you do the laundry every Sunday.
  5. How cute you are when you play softball.
  6. That you always think the river card is out to get you.
  7. How you count going golfing as work.
  8. That you could eat Chipotle every day and not get sick of it.
  9. How you read Peyton books, giving each character it's own unique voice.
  10. That you let me sleep in on Sunday mornings.
  11. How hot you look when you're grilling.
  12. That you'll play ring-around-the-rosie with Peyton fifteen times in a row, if that's what he wants.
  13. How you always make that retarded face whenever I try to take a picture of you.
  14. That you let Peyton watch Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, or Barney even though you'd rather be watching sports.
  15. How good you are at cooking steak.
  16. The way you put your hand on your stomach when you blow your nose.
  17. The way that you run.
  18. Your butt.
  19. That you're good at grocery shopping.
  20. That you're true to your favorite teams even when they suck (*cough* Lions *cough*).
  21. That you go to all of the Maryland football games with me, and have even started to cheer for them.
  22. How good you look in a jersey.
  23. The way you put Peyton up on your shoulders when he needs to be calmed down.
  24. The crazy television shows that you put on our DVR.
  25. That you let me listen to my radio stations when I ride in your car.
  26. That you always put the toilet seat down.
  27. The way you smell after a shower.
  28. The silly way you shoot a basketball.

And finally, I love:

29. YOU, just because you're YOU.

Happy birthday Kyle!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Awww, that was sweet!! Look at this softer side of Jenn ;)