Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Kindercare

Peyton's daycare, Kindercare, was celebrating their 40th "birthday" so they had a party after the center closed on Friday. I picked Peyton up from daycare at the normal time. Then Kyle, Peyton, and I went to Friendly's for dinner and then headed back to Kindercare for the party party. The theme was a carnival.

Peyton and his teacher, Miss Debby
Each kid got six tickets to play games that were set up. Peyton enjoyed this rubber ducky game so much that he played it three times. There were little prizes that corresponded to numbers written on the bottom of the ducks.

Next, Peyton did this bean bag toss. He walked the bean bags over to the cans and just dropped them in. He was three for three though!

Peyton had a good time knocking over these cans with some bean bags. Once again, he cheated a little and stood right in front of the cans and threw the bean bags at them. He knocked them all down and won another prize.

The last game that Peyton played was the ring toss. He did a good job at that one too.

Next, we headed outside where there was a dunk tank set up. The director of the center, Miss Pam (who Peyton calls "Mam") was the target. Peyton took a turn throwing balls at the bulls eye, just like the bigger kids. Of course, he was too weak to knock her down, so we let him push the bulls eye with his hand, and Miss Pam got dunked!

There was also a moon bounce in the shape of a birthday cake.

We went back inside where Peyton had his face painted. He chose to get a football. He was making the funniest face while she was painting on his cheek. I think it tickled. The painting didn't last long, because Peyton smeared it with his hand. The wetness must have felt strange.

After we cleaned up the paint, Peyton found a balloon and he was in heaven.

He played with that balloon for a long time. They also had a popcorn machine, snowball machine, cotton candy machine, hot dogs and juice, but we didn't eat anything because 1. those things are messy and 2. we ate dinner right before the party.
We went back outside for a little while. Peyton dunked Miss Pam again, and then we left to go home. It was a fun time!

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