Friday, July 3, 2009


On Friday, Kate and Dave were in Annapolis and invited us down to meet them to hang out. Kate and Dave got there before us, so while we waited for them to come over to where we were, we checked out some of the boats in the docks. Peyton likes boats, so that we pretty exciting for him.

Peyton, like usual, was very excited to see Noah. Kate wanted to let Peyton "hold" Noah. We sat Peyton up on the bench between us and Peyton held his arms up in anticipation of holding Noah. Here's a picture of Peyton giving Noah a kiss while he was holding him. Those two really are cute together.

Noah and I
Kyle and Noah
After we checked out the boats for a while, we went to eat dinner. Kyle ordered steak, and Peyton was much more interested in eating that than eating his own chicken tenders. When we were finished with dinner, we just strolled up and down Main Street, which has a lot of little shops. In one of the stores, Peyton tried on some funny hats.
Next we headed back over to the water. Noah just chilled in his stroller, smiling like crazy. Too cute. Peyton fed the ducks some of his Cheerios. They liked them and hung around near us for a while.

Kate, Dave, and Noah
The weather was just gorgeous. We had fun hanging out by the water and strolling around Annapolis. And Peyton loved getting to see Noah!

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