Monday, November 9, 2009

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend was the first in three that we didn't have to travel out of town, which was a relief. However, we did end up going to Virginia to visit with Kate, Dave, and Noah. We headed down there after Peyton woke up from his nap Saturday afternoon. We planned to get together to exchange pictures of the kids and to pick up our cousin group photo. But, JCPenney and/or FedEx was dumb and the pictures had not arrived to Kate yet. Noah was a little cranky because he was cutting his second tooth, so he didn't want anyone but Kate and Dave to hold him. He also had to take a nap, so we didn't get to spend too much time with him. For the little bit that he was awake and happy, Peyton played with him on the floor. He did peek-a-boo with Noah and helped him play with his toys. Each time Noah cried, Peyton gave hims hugs, kisses, and patted his back. So cute! Kate made us a taco dinner, which was yummy. We hung out a little more after we ate, but it was getting late and we had to get Peyton to bed, so we left for home a little before 7:00. (I have no pictures because we forgot the camera.)

Sunday morning, I woke up and tried to take a shower but the water was freezing. I checked all of the sinks in the house, and no water would come out hot anywhere. I figured something must be wrong with the hot water heater. Kyle and I took a look at it, but we didn't really know what we were looking for, so we ended up calling my dad. He and my mom came over around 11:00. My dad checked out the water heater, and realized that the pilot light would not light (or something). I don't know what he did, but he eventually got it working again. Thank goodness! My mom and dad played with Peyton for a little while after that, and then they left so that Peyton could eat lunch and take a nap.

The rest of the day we just relaxed and watched football. It was so nice to just hang out for once. Next weekend we're back to the craziness with a Terps game Saturday afternoon and a get-together Saturday evening.

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