Sunday, November 1, 2009


We carved our pumpkins for Halloween on Thursday evening. Peyton posed for a few pictures before we started the carving.

Peyton wasn't too interested in helping me with pumpkins. He sat near me for a minute, but left before I even finished cutting the top of the first pumpkin off. I offered to let him help me scoop the insides out, but he just wanted to play, so I did it myself.

I carved both pumpkins, but Kyle drew the face on one of them and I cut it out for him. We're not incredibly creative, but here are our pumpkins all lit up.

Peyton was Elmo for Halloween. We just couldn't get a picture where you could see the eyes and nose on his head. But, isn't he cute anyway?!

Halloween morning we went to Disney on Ice and then we went to my parents' house so that everyone could see Peyton in his costume. Laila (their dog) was a little confused as to what the furry red thing was. Next, we stopped by Kim, Bo, and Dougie's house. Peyton was being super shy and clinging to Kyle. We're not really sure what was up with that, but eventually Peyton warmed up. They gave Peyton some Halloween goodies including some silly socks, a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Halloween book, a rubber duckie dressed up like a pumpkin, and some treats. Dougie and Peyton played with some Thomas trains for a little while, but we had more stops to make, so we had to leave. We headed to Nadean, Vester, and Austin's house next. Peyton acted the same way that he did at Kim's house, but again eventually warmed up. They gave Peyton some treats, bubbles, a slinky, and the same book that Kim did. We went to Aunt Bev's house last. She also gave Peyton lots of treats. He'll be eating well for a while with all the cookies and crackers he got. Kyle and I will take care of the candy ;)

We didn't get home until almost 6:00. We quickly ate dinner and then I took Peyton trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, while Kyle stayed home to hand out candy. Peyton and I went to about 10 houses. He knocked on each door and said "Trick-or-treat!" Often, the people would just let him pick out which candy he wanted. He doesn't know the difference between one candy and the next (except for M&Ms) so he would just grab whatever. A few times, he'd take a piece and then reach back in for more. I always said, "No Peyton!" but the neighbors were cool and told him to take as much as he wanted. So, he got a decent amount of goodies. After each house, Peyton would say, "One more!" I was thankful that the rain held off and that it was warm. We went out around 7:00 and it was still almost 70 degrees. I felt bad for Peyton; he was sweating in his costume.

Peyton enjoyed answering the door when the doorbell rang. He always said, "Bye everybody!" as the kids walked away from the house. We got trick-or-treaters until about 8:00 when we put Peyton to bed. It was a fun Halloween!

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