Friday, November 13, 2009


Peyton has been saying some cute things lately. I just wanted to document them here, mostly for myself so that I don't forget. He's so darn cute (most of the time)!

1. Peyton has been saying this one for a while now, but whenever he accomplishes anything, he loves to yell, "I did it!" He is just so proud of himself. I don't exactly know where he got this from though.

2. When it is almost time to do something (like go to bed), I will tell Peyton that he has "5 minutes" and then "3 minutes" and finally "1 minute." While I know that he doesn't understand the concept of time, he gets the countdown idea and realizes that when we get to 1 minute, time is just about up. Lately, Peyton will tell me "5 minutes!" For example, on Sunday when he was finished eating his lunch, I told him it was time for a nap, and he said, "No, play. 5 minutes!" So funny.

3. Peyton also says "Yes" now, instead of "Yeah." He sounds so much more grown up. He learned this from his daycare teacher who, every time he'd answer "Yeah" to a question, would correct him with, "Yes, please." I guess he does listen sometimes.

4. At just about every meal, Peyton will state, "I'm making a mess." And it's true.

5. When someone leaves the room, Peyton always asks, "Where'd (blank) go?" That's his nosy side (which he gets from me!) coming out.

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