Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Birthday Party

Last Saturday, Peyton went to his friend Brandon's birthday party. It was at a bowling alley and Peyton was so excited because he has never bowled before. (I'm going to leave out the part where we were 40 minutes late because Mommy is an idiot, and thought the party started at 2:00, when in fact it started at 12:00. Luckily, Kyle looked at the invitation for some reason, noticed the correct time of the party, and we hurried to get out the door as quickly as possible.)

They had the bumpers up for the kids, so it was tough to get a gutter bowl. Here's Peyton's first frame of bowling.

The kids averaged about a 70 per game, which isn't too bad for being 3 and 4 years old. Peyton did pretty well rolling the ball with speed and power. Some of the kids rolled the balls so slowly that they actually stopped in the middle of the lane before they even got to the pins.

There was that 'yummy', rubbery bowling alley pizza for lunch. The kids seemed to enjoy it though.

This was Brandon's cake. Obviously it was a Cars themed party. I thought the Lightning McQueen cake was pretty awesome.

The kids sang Happy Birthday and then they ate cake icing. They also ate ice cream cups. There was a little more bowling, but then the party was over. It was a lot of fun though!

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