Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Boy Bed and Power Outages

On Monday we took the front rail off of Peyton's crib to make it into a big boy bed. We decided to practice with him in the crib like this for a month or two and then we're going to buy him a new bedroom set with a "real" bed. The baby is going to get the crib, dresser, and changing table that is Peyton's now. We wanted to keep the transition from the crib to the bed a separate event from the baby coming, so we thought we should do it now. We were pretty worried about Peyton getting up and running around his room when we put him down for bed/nap, but he surprised us. He's done so well in the bed. He has not gotten out of it one time without calling for us to come get him first. Way to go Peyton!

This is completely random and has nothing to do with anything, but I thought Peyton was so cute trying to eat a taco the other night for dinner. He has great technique for his first time!

With this crazy snow storm that we had all week, our power went out two separate times. On Saturday, it went out at 5:30 am and didn't come back on until 5:00 pm, so we had almost 12 hours without power. It was so cold in the house! Luckily we have a gas fireplace and Kyle was able to get it started to provide us with at least a little heat. Peyton was sad that he couldn't watch tv and I tried to explain to him that the lights and televisions were broken, but he just didn't understand. I was mostly concerned with what we were going to eat all day! But again, we are lucky that our stove is gas, so we were able to use a lighter to light it and we could cook just fine. When Peyton took a nap, Kyle and I played cards on the floor by the fire. I felt like an old person! The lights came back on just as it started getting dark.

Yesterday the power went out again. It went out around 12:30 pm and didn't come back on until 7:00 pm. We taught Peyton how to play Go Fish. We played Peyton and I against Kyle. Peyton was pretty good at it, except that he'd yell out each card he picked up when he had to go fish. That made it pretty easy for Kyle to know which cards we had in our hand. But, Peyton and I won both games that we played against Kyle. Peyton was fascinated with us shuffling the cards. He wanted to do it so bad!

This time it obviously got dark before the power came back on. I was trying to cook dinner, which included cutting up chicken and onions, in the dark. It wasn't too fun. After dinner, we played hide and seek in the dark with Peyton. It is really hard when you can't see anything, haha. Peyton wanted me to read him a book, but the light of the fireplace wasn't helping anything, so Kyle shined a flashlight on the pages so that I could read. Finally the power came back on, and Peyton yelled, "It's fixed! Sesame Street?" He spent the rest of the evening catching up on the tv he missed all day.

We've had a nice week at home together. My work actually has the audacity to be open tomorrow, but I'm not going to go. The roads in our neighborhood are still bad and it's dumb to pay a whole week's tuition at daycare for Peyton to go one day. I like 9 day weekends!

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